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Membership in the Minnesota BLN


How Minnesota Businesses Benefit From Joining the Business Leadership Network

Companies that have joined the BLN recognize that it makes good business sense to expand opportunities for people with disabilities. A diverse workforce gives companies the competitive advantage by enabling them to better meet the needs of their customers, successfully compete in the global marketplace and hire from an expanded labor pool.

Consider these facts:

There are approximately 54 million people with disabilities living in the United States today (20% of the population - one in five people - comprises the largest minority group).

Consumers with disabilities control over $200 Billion in disposable income and $1 Trillion in aggregate income (twice the teen market).

Approximately 65% of working-aged adults with disabilities are currently unemployed, or underemployed, and are ready, willing and able to join America's workplace.


People with disabilities are America's and Minnesota's largest pool of untapped labor.

Employing people with disabilities can affect your company's bottom line.
A sound investment in human capital directly impacts corporate success. In today's global economy, corporate success hinges on a diverse workforce that includes workers who happen to have disabilities. People with disabilities often have had to face and overcome challenges beyond the norm. Such workers are usually well-versed in problem-solving skills, have a strong work ethic, represent a new market for goods and services, and enrich a workplace that truly respects and values differences.

Among the benefits of membership in the BLN:

  • Access to a pool of talented, motivated employees. The difficulty of attracting and retaining qualified workers frustrates many employers. Companies that hire more employees with disabilities can acquire a tremendous competitive edge.
  • Connect with a broader customer base. By tailoring services and access options for people with disabilities, companies are able to attract more customers and increase sales volume.
  • Increased workforce diversity. Companies gain the advantage of different ideas and points of view from a segment of the population that may be underrepresented in their workforce.
  • Access to information and resources. Through the Minnesota BLN, companies can gain access to a wealth of resources on disabilities, examples of best practices, guidance on policies and procedures, ADA information, reasonable accommodations, and partnerships with government agencies and community rehabilitation programs.
  • Opportunities for positive public relations. Participation will provide you with positive public relations for your company on both a national and state level by spotlighting your company's successes in hiring persons with a disability and sponsoring well advertised activities and events.


Interested in Joining the BLN?

Contact the BLN for further information about business or service provider membership.

Minnesota BLN


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